There are several economic conditions that can make someone 1 vulnerable to trafficking, including systemic poverty, economic inequality (wage inequality, lack of decent jobs, supply chain exploitation, labour binding agreements, child labour), and unjust land reform (resource grabbing, food insecurity, mechanization of agriculture). Those conditions need to be addressed by States in order to provide for economic empowerment and long term economic[mfn]footnotes[/mfn] sustainability among vulnerable populations. The Trafficking in Persons Protocol Article 9(4) requires States to propose measures to address the economic conditions that make persons vulnerable to trafficking. The measures proposed below are categorised according to the country of origin, destination and both. 2

This is another test for footnote 3

  1. There are several economic conditions that can make someone
  2. – Example footnote.

    • hello
    • bye

  3. This is insane.